Q1. The teacher and students discuss a topic and the former starts the conversation by asking a question, then the student/s respond by giving examples and explanations. The speaking assessment here is to grade how well students


(a) speak fluently and creatively


(b) process information and respond appropriately


(c) express themselves


(d) respond in an appropriate tone and express themselves


fluently and creatively


Q2. The ‘interaction routine’ during speaking assessment includes


(a) negotiating meanings, talking turns and allowing others to take turns


(b) describing one’s school or its environs informally


(c) telephone” conversation with another


(d) comparing two or more objects/places/events to the assessor


Q3. For English as a second language, ‘acquisition-poor environment’ is one where


(a) Hindi/Mother tongue is the lingua franca.


(b) The English language is used only in the classroom


(c) English is not spoken at home at all


(d) access to any learning material is unavailable to students


Q4. The Humanistic Approach is specifically tuned to the


(a) mastery of academic disciplines with all their characteristic features


(b) application of learned structure, content, concepts, and principles to new situations


(c) processes that enable students to discover structure for themselves


(d) a process where a sequence is taught along with how to present the related contents


Q5. The main purpose of the assessment is


(a) to decide pass and fail


(b) to measure the achievement of learners


(c) to give practice in writing


(d) to improve the teaching-learning process


Q6. When young learners are taught to improve their spelling and punctuation, they will


(a) nurture their creativity


(b) sharpen their listening skills


(c) improve their accuracy


(d) enhance their fluency


Q7. Constructivism is a theory where students


(a) study a variety of dissimilar samples and draw a well-founded conclusion


(b) form their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences


(c) are facilitated by the teacher and use a variety of media to research and create their own theories


(d) construct their own learning aids, thereby gaining hands-on experience


Q8. RTE stands for


(a) Right to Education Act


(b) Right to Employment Act


(c) Right to Empowerment Act


(d) Right to Free Education Act


Q9. It is generally believed that a language teacher uses up of ……….. the period during class teaching.


(a) 1/4th


(b) 3/4th


(c) 7/9th


(d) 2/3rd


Q10. Which of the following is not considered a challenge in developing the English language in India?


(a) Ambiguities in comprehending the language


(b) Lack of facilities


(c) Lack of proper words while translating from English to Hindi or vice-versa


(d) People’s unfamiliarity with English


Q11. A language is

(a) a broad term simply referring to human patterned verbal behaviour in general

(b) a set of specific rules for generating speech

(c) another word for a dialect

Q12. The best time to learn a second language is in

(a) early childhood

(b) junior school

(c) senior secondary school

(d) college

(d) a pidgin

Q13. verbal communication means:

(a) sending a message in words including writing

(b) informal communication

(c) exact limited message the speaker wants to convey

(d) actual words said

Q14 Metalinguistic awareness is

(a) the ability to think and talk about language

(b) the ability to connect the distinctive sounds in words to letters

(c) understanding of the mapping principles between sounds and meaning

(d) the ability to recognize writing from other visual marks

Q15 Which skills are receptive?

(a) listening and speaking

(b)listening and reading

(c)reading and writing

(d)writing and speaking

Q16. The following statements that are true about language is

(a) all languages use essentially the same number of sounds

(b) all native speakers of a language learn the basic rules of grammar in school

(c) While the different languages may use different phonemes, they all essentially share the same syntax

(d) None of the above

Q17 The statement that best describes the linguistic concept of words is

(a) words are inherent units of meaning that every child is born with,and learns to attach specific sounds to specific words

(b) words are sounds that we only attach meaning to through the context of syntax, and are by themselves devoid of useful information

(c) words are written pieces of language that are defined via long-cultural consensus, and

term recorded in dictionaries to main-uniformity of expression, without which words would be arbitrary and meaningless

(d) words are arbitrary sounds that are memorized through brute force and are associated in the mental lexicon with the word itself, its sound, and its meaning


Q18. _________is the study of language from a cognitive and developmental law

(a) psycholinguistics

(b) sociolinguistics

(c) comparative linguistics

(d) linguistics

Q19. The following definition best describes language acquisition

(a) The process by which a society’ svernacular varies

(b) The process by which linguistics is applied to sociology

(c) The process by which the linguistic ability develops in a human

(d) the process by which the origin of language is developed

Q20. “A student recommends the reading of the latest best-seller, saying that it is very interesting. You listen, trying to make out whether the student’s observation is sincere or not.” This type of listening can be described:

(a) critical

(b) comprehension

(c) sympathetic

(d) active

Q21. The teacher and students discuss a topic and the former starts the conversation by asking a question, then the student/s respond by giving examples and explanations. The speaking assessment here is to grade how well students


(a) speak fluently and creatively


(b) process information and respond appropriately


(c) express themselves


(d) respond in an appropriate tone and express themselves


fluently and creatively


Q22. The ‘interaction routine’ during speaking assessment includes


(a) negotiating meanings, talking turns and allowing others to take turns


(b) describing one’s school or its environs informally


(c) telephone” conversation with another


(d) comparing two or more objects/places/events to the assessor


Q23. For English as a second language, ‘acquisition-poor environment’ is one where


(a) Hindi/Mother tongue is the lingua franca.


(b) The English language is used only in the classroom


(c) English is not spoken at home at all


(d) access to any learning material is unavailable to students



Q24. The Humanistic Approach is specifically tuned to the


(a) mastery of academic disciplines with all their characteristic features


(b) application of learned structure, content, concepts, and principles to new situations


(c) processes that enable students to discover structure for themselves


(d) a process where a sequence is taught along with how to present the related contents


Q25. The main purpose of the assessment is


(a) to decide pass and fail


(b) to measure the achievement of learners


(c) to give practice in writing


(d) to improve the teaching-learning process


Q26. When young learners are taught to improve their spelling and punctuation, they will


(a) nurture their creativity


(b) sharpen their listening skills


(c) improve their accuracy


(d) enhance their fluency


Q27. Constructivism is a theory where students


(a) study a variety of dissimilar samples and draw a well-founded conclusion


(b) form their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences


(c) are facilitated by the teacher and use a variety of media to research and create their own theories


(d) construct their own learning aids, thereby gaining hands-on experience


Q28. RTE stands for


(a) Right to Education Act


(b) Right to Employment Act


(c) Right to Empowerment Act


(d) Right to Free Education Act


Q29. It is generally believed that a language teacher uses up of ……….. the period during class teaching.


(a) 1/4th


(b) 3/4th


(c) 7/9th


(d) 2/3rd


Q30. Which of the following is not considered a challenge in developing the English language in India?


(a) Ambiguities in comprehending the language


(b) Lack of facilities


(c) Lack of proper words while translating from English to Hindi or vice-versa


(d) People’s unfamiliarity with English


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. D
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. A
  15. B
  16. D
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. A
  29. D
  30. D
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